5A-Practice problems with linear approximation
In this post, there are practice problems with linear approximation. these pr practice problems are using step-by-step illustration.
Solving non-linear equations include the following methods:
1- bisecting method.
2-False position method.
3-Fixed point iteration.
In this post, there are practice problems with linear approximation. these pr practice problems are using step-by-step illustration.
Introduction to linear approximation, what is a linear approximation equation?
In numerical analysis, fixed-point iteration is a method of computing the roots of a function by changing the typical f(x)=y form to another form which is x= g(x).
The false position method is another numerical method for roots finding, The same Solved problem will be used to get the root for f(x) by false position.
The bisection method can be done by taking the average value of the horizontal distance between points of brackets, and then substitute it in the function.
Numerical analysis-part 2-What is synthetic division? Solved problems for synthetic divisions are included.