Category: linear Algebra -Matrices
9- How to Use a matrix for the quadratic function?
How to Use a matrix for the quadratic function? Three solved problems are used to find the quadratic functions by using a matrix.
8-Practice problem for reduced echelon form.
Practice problem for reduced echelon form. How to determine whether the given matrix is in R echelon form or not? The second part is Application for traffic flow by matrix.
7b- Practice problems for Gauss Jordan elimination.
Practice problems for Gauss Jordan elimination are introduced. Step by step guide for solving these problems.
7a- Practice problems for back substitution.
Practice problems for back substitution for matrices. Step by step illustration of the process of back substitution.
7- Easy introduction to row echelon form.
Introduction to row echelon form and reduced row echelon form and their components. what is gauss- Jordan’s elimination?
6- Introduction to types of linear systems-Two variables.
Introduction to types of linear systems-Two variables. what are the row operations? solved problems are included.