List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Maged kamel

List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

List of tension Member’s Posts-part 3 will start from post 10 till post 18.

 Quick-start to the introduction to block shear.

This is the 14th post. The first point of discussion concerns the slenderness value and l/r value for tension members. The second point concerns code provisions and the introduction of shear blocks.

Introduction to block shear.
Introduction to block shear-List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

This is the link to post 10: Quick-start to the introduction to block shear.

  A Solved problem 4-4, Pult without block shear.

This is the 15th post, A solved problem -4-4, from  Prof. Abi O. Aghayere ‘s book. Check the adequacy of the channel- without considering the block shear.

Solved problem 4-4 without considering block shear.
Solved problem 4-4-Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

The link to post 11: A Solved problem 4-4, P ult without – block shear.

Solved problem 4-6-Pult with-block shear.

There are two posts, the 16th and 17th posts, a solved problem-4-6. From Prof. Abi O. Aghayere ‘s book. For Tension Member with Block Shear For the connection shown in solved problem 4-4.

Determine if the channel and gusset plate are adequate for the applied tension load considering block shear.

Check the adequacy of channel-include block shear

This is the link to post 12: Solved problem 4-6-block shear for a C-Channel-1/2.

Block shear capacity for gusset plate.

This is the link to post 12a: Solved problem 4-6-block shear for a C-Channel-2/2.

Block shear and coped beams.

This is the 18th post and includes a discussion of two items. The first item is a sample of the block shear various patterns for a given section acted upon by tension force.

The second part concerns the UBS values and a coped beam. Based on the cut places, the different names of coped beams are given from the commentary of the AISC.

Block shear and coped beams.

  This is the link to post 13: Block shear and coped beams.  

A Solved problem 5-7.

This is the 19th post. It includes a Solved problems 5-7 for block shear from Prof. Alan Williams’s book. 
Determine the block shear strength of the connection shown in Fig. 5.5a. Both members have a yield stress of 36 ksi and a tensile strength of 58 ksi. The tension member thickness is t = 1/2 in, the gusset plate thickness is tg = 1.0 in, and the bolts are 7/8 in diameter. The relevant dimensions are s = 3 in, g = 2 in, Leh = 2 in, and Lev = 2 in.

A Solved problem 5-7-block shear for a hanger element.
A solved problem 5-7 for block shear-List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

This link to post 14: a Solved problem 5-7 for block shear.

Problem 3-7 for staggered bolts-tension members.

The post will review the solved problem 3-7 for staggered bolts-tension members. This problem is quoted from Prof. Segui’s handbook. The main aim is to investigate the different failure roots of failures and the corresponding net areas.

A Solved problem 5-7-block shear for a hanger element
Problem 3-7-List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

This is the link to post 15: Problem 3-7 for staggered bolts-tension members.

Solved problem 3-8-1 for staggered Bolts.

The post will start by discussing the concept of load transfer by fasteners in relation to the estimation of the net area. This method is included in the solved problem as a final net area refinement.

A solved problem 3-8-1 for the staggered Bolt that was introduced in the textbook Steel Structures Fifth Edition by Salmon.

Solved problem 3-8-1 for staggered Bolts.List of Tension Member's Posts-part 3.
Problem 3-8-1. List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

This is the link to post 15A: Solved problem 3-8-1 for staggered Bolts.

Problem 3-4-3 for staggered bolts-tension members.

The post will review the solved problem 3-4-3 for staggered bolt-tension members. This problem is quoted from Prof. Segui’s handbook. The main aim is to investigate the different routes and causes of failures and the corresponding net areas. There are two parts to the solved problem.

A solved problem  3-4-3 An Mc 9x23.9, it is required to find LRFd and ASd strength values.
Problem 3-4-3. List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.

This is the link to post 16: Problem 3-4-3 for staggered bolts-tension members-1/2.

This is the link for post 17: Problem 3-4-3 for MC section-LRFD and ASD value-2/2.

A solved problem 3-19.

A solved problem 3-19. compute the effective net area for the given Builk up section.

A solved problem 3-19. compute the effective area for the given Builkt up section.

This is the link for post 18:The Effective Area for a Built-Up Section

This is a link to the list of tension members’ posts in part 1.

This is a link to the list of tension members’ posts in part 2.

An external source for tension members from Prof. T. Bartlett Quimby’s site, which is the Tension Member Overview


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