Category: Bolted Connection.
5- A solved problem 10-1-for bearing connection-1-3.
The post includes the first part of the solved problem 10-1-for bearing. It is required to estimate the shear force that can be applied on a given connection.
4-Nominal shear strength and bearing- tear out made simple.
The relation between the nominal shear strength of bolts, and their ultimate strength. The discussion is about bearing and tear out in more detail.
3-Bearing Type connections-part-2.
This is bearing Type connections-part-2. The topics include the nominal tensile strength of a bolt. Edge spacing and bolts spacing.
2- Easy introduction to bearing type connections-part-1.
This is bearing Type connections-part-1. The points of discussion are about. What are the types of bearing connections and also include the types of failures?
1- Easy introduction to bolted connections.
Introduction to bolted connections, the difference between low carbon steel and high tensile steel bolts, the different components of a bolt, categories of High- strength bolts, learn about snug-tight bolt