Category: lateral torsional buckling
Practice problem 5-5-8-Compute Mn.
Practice problem 5-5-8 A W18 x 71 is used as a beam with an unbraced length of 9 feet. Use Fy=65 ksi and Cb = 1 and compute the nominal flexural strength.
Practice problem 5-5-6-Compute Lp and Lr and φb*Mn.
Practice problem 5-5-6 A W12 x 30 of A992 steel has an unbraced length of 10 feet. Using Cb = 1.0, a. Compute Lp and Lr. Find φb*Mn and Mn/Ωb for lb=10 feet.
14- A guide to solved problem 9-7-Lb is bigger than Lr.
Solved problem 9-7-is an analysis problem, if we have a beam where Lb is bigger than Lr, how we can estimate the flexure strength? Detailed solution.
13-Solved problem 4-6-how to find the available flexure strength?
Solved problem 4-6- how to get the available flexure strength for a beam? this is an analysis problem, bracings distances are >Lp but less than Lr.
12- Easy introduction to plastic bracing length Lp, Lr, Fcr.
Review of the information of Lp, Lr, Fcr, what are the relating equation for each item? a practice example is given for illustration of the subject.
11-Solved problem 4-5-How to design a steel beam?
Solved problem 4-5-How to design a steel beam under lateral-torsional- buckling? a detailed step by step calculation for LRFD and ASD design parameters.