Category: Nominal loads-Plastic theory
37a- Solved problem-8-34 for a nominal uniform load.
Solved problem-8-34, how to determine the plastic Nominal uniform load acting on a continuous steel beam? with different loading& span conditions.
37-Solved problem 8-33 for Plastic nominal Uniform Load.
Solved problem 8-33, how to determine the plastic Nominal uniform load acting on continuous steel beam? with different loading& span conditions.
36a-Plastic Nominal Uniform load for partially loaded beam.
Plastic Nominal Uniform load for partially loaded beam. The load occupies half of the span from the left.two methods are used,Lower and upper bound methods.
36-Solved problem 8-32 for plastic nominal Uniform load.
Solved problem 8-32, how to determine the plastic Nominal uniform load? the acting uniform load is partial, two methods the first method is the lower bound method, the second method is the upper bound method.
35A-Solved problem 8-22-for Plastic nominal load( 2/2).
Solved problem 8-22 second part, we will verify the nominal load for the fixed end beam by MASTAN2 and verify the loads that creates first and second plastic hinges.
35-Solved problem 8-22-for Plastic nominal load( 1/2).
Solved problem 8-22, find the plastic Nominal load acting on two Fixed ends beam? Use lower and upper bounds. Find the loads for first and second hinge.