6-Solved problem 5-2 for the plastic moment value for W10x60.

Last Updated on August 15, 2024 by Maged kamel

Solved Problem 5-2 For the plastic moment value for W10x60.

Estimating the plastic moment Mp for the given section, W10x60 of A992, is required.

Using the first option by considering the W section as a group of plates.

As a first option, I have considered the W section to consist of three plates, for the sake of comparison, after evaluating the Zx and Mp. for the first option as an assembly of plates for the solved problem 5-2. The upper and lower plate dimension is (10.10″)0.68″, while the intermediate plate dimension is 8.84″0.42″.

The following pictures show the sequence for that calculation in detail.

A solved problem 5-2 how to get the plastic moment for W10 x 60?

Due to the section’s symmetry, the P.N.A will be in the middle. For A1+A2 areas, where A1 is the upper plate area, its value is 6.868 inch2, while A2 is the area of half of the web. Adding them together will give AT/2, where AT is the total area. The value of AT/2 is 8.7244 inch2.

The next step is to estimate the Cg distance For A1+A2 from the first moment of areas about the P.N.A. The next step is to estimate the Cg distance For A1+A2 from the first moment of areas about the P.N.A.

Divide the area into two halves and get Y bar.

When we consider the formula AT/2y bar=A1y1+A2y2, we have = Ybar= (6.8684.76+1.8564*2.21)/8.7244, which will be Y bar =4.22″, as we can see from the next slide.

Divide the area into two halves and get Y bar.

Zx can be estimated as Zx=AT/2(Y1bar+Y2 bar), the AT/2=8.7244 inch2, while Y1 bar=y2 bar=4.22″, then Zx=8.7244(2*4.22)=73.63 inch3.

The plastic moment based on the first option.

For the formula Mp=Zx*Fy, the Plastic moment can be calculated as Mp=73.63*50=3681.50 inch-kips. To convert that value to Ft-kips, just divide by 12. Ultimately, the plastic moment value MP=307.0 Ft- kips for the solved problem 5-2 as an option—a).

Can we use Table 1.1 to get Zx and Mp?

Using Table 1-1 to get the plastic moment will give us only the Zx value and the dimensions of the sections, such as the W10x60 section from AISC Table 1-1.

The flange width is 10.10″, the tf is 0.68″, the overall depth is 10.20″, and the web thickness is 0.42″. The Zx value is 74.60 inch3. We need y plastic to estimate the Mp value, and we cannot find the Y plastic in that table.

Use Wt 5x30 instead of W10x60 to get the y bar value from table 1.8.

The only solution is to consider W10x60 composed of two Wt sections, each 5×30. We need to proceed to another table.

Use Wt 5x30 instead of W10x60 to get the y bar value from table 1.8.

The Z value for the W10 x 60 section.

The plastic section modulus or Z value of w10x60 can be found in Table 1-1. The Z value =74.60 inch3.

Using the second option by considering the W section as two Wt sections.

The data for the needed Wt section of WT5x30 can be found in Table 1-8. We can get the Y bar from the section property of WT5x30, the value Y bar=0.884″, which is the distance from the plastic neutral axis to the upper top flange, as seen from the next slide.

The properties of wt 5 x 30 from Table 1.8.

The total area of the Wt 5×30 =8.84 inch2.

Y bar value for the Wt section.

To get the plastic moment, we join the two Wt 5×30 to create W10x60. The compression force C is acting in the plastic Neutral axis of Wt, which is = 0.884″, as we get from the previous data of WT5x30. The acting Tensile force T, due to symmetry, acts at the plastic neutral axis but at a distance =0.844″ from the bottom.

The distance between C and T, which we call Yct, is the whole depth(-) 2*yp. the overall depth we can get from table1-1 fr W10x60, which is=10.20″. The compression force C=T=At/2*Fy=(17.70/2)*50==442.50 kips, yct=10.20″-2*0.884=8.432″.

The Plastic moment=442.50*8.432/12=310.93 Ft.kips and can be approximated to 311.0 Ft.kips.

Another way is by considering Mp=Zx*Fy=At/2*yct, which gives us the same result as Mp=311.0 ft. kips.
The following calculation, accompanied by a sketch from the next slide, shows the value of Zx and Mp. For the sake of comparison between options a and b, the values of Mp are written side by side.

Reassemble the two Wt sections to estimate the plastic moment for W10 x 60.

For the buckling concept, please refer to this link from Prof  T. Bart Quimby, P.E., Ph.D., F.ASCE site.

For more solved problems, please refer to post 6A-Practice problem 5-2-2, Find y bar, Zx, and Zy.

This is another post: 6b-Practice problem 5-2-3-verify Zx for W18x50.
This is the link for the next post, 7-Local buckling parameters.

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