List of Steel Beam Posts-part-3.

Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by Maged kamel

List of Steel Beam Posts-part-3.

Review of shear stresses for steel beams.

This post is post Number 19s- for shear of the steel beam, in the list of steel beam Posts Part-3, which includes a Review of shear stresses for steel beams and the relation between horizontal and vertical shear stress.

Derivation of shear stress expression.

This is a link to post 19S:

A-Solved problem- 2-22 for shear stress parts A, B, and C.

First, an Introduction to shear stress for a rectangle; how can we estimate it? How do you get the first moment of area for an I section and derive the shear stress equation? Two posts discuss solved problems 2-22, which include Determining the maximum shearing stress for the following sections when the external shear force equals  75 kips for parts A) &  B) and C).   

derive  a  shear expression for a rectangle section.


Steel beam Posts-part-3-A-solved problem 2-22  for shear stress.

The first post is post-20S.

  The second post is post 21S.   

Solved problem- 10-2 for beam adequacy for shear.

  This post includes a solved problem from Prof. Mccormac’s book. A solved problem 10.2- A given steel section  W21x 55 with Fy =50 ksi. The loads for the beam are shown in Fig.10.4. It is necessary to check its adequacy in shear.

A solved problem 2-22- check adequacy of shear stress.

The second part discusses the Nominal shear strength for steel beams based on CM#14—the relation between Nominal shear and the ratio of hw/tw for different steel grades.

the relation between Nominal shear and the ratio of hw/tw

This is the link for post 22S: Solved problem 10-2.

Solved problem 10-2: how do we use Table 3-2 for shear value?

The first part of the post includes a solved problem from Prof. Mccormac’s book. A solved problem 10.2- A given steel section  W21x 55 with Fy =50 ksi. The loads for the beam are shown in Fig.10.4, in which I have used Table 3-2 to find the shear value for the solved problem. 10-2.

The second part discusses the Nominal shear strength for steel beams based on CM#15.

How to use Table 3-2 to find the factored shear?

Check section M12.5×12.40 for shear and estimate the Nominal shear strength.

Check section M12.5×12.40 for shear and estimate the Nominal shear strength.

This is the link for post 23S

The next post will be the list of steel beam posts, part 4.
A very useful external resource A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Engineering