Author: Maged kamel
6c-Practice problem 6-17-5-find Sx and ZX for W18x35.
Practice problem 6-17-5-find Sx and ZX for W18x35. it is required to model W18x35 into three rectangles and find elastic and plastic section modului.
27-Two Practice problems for Ixy for trapezium.
The post includes Two Practice problems for Ixy for trapezium. The first problem is for Ixy about an external axis, while the second is for Ixy at the CG.
26-Two Practice problems for polar of inertia for trapezium.
The post includes Two Practice problems for polar of inertia for trapezium. The first problem is for Jo and Ko at an external axis, while the second is for Jo and Ko at the CG.
25-Two Practice problems for inertia for trapezium.
We have two practice problems for inertia and radius of gyration for a given trapezium. A step-by-step guide to get Ix and kx.
42s-Nominal shear strength for M10x7.50.
Find the Nominal shear strength for M10x7.50. The estimation is based on CM#15 and specification 2016. An excel plot is included between h/tw and Vn.
41s-Nominal shear strength for S41x121.
Find the Nominal shear strength for S41x121. The estimation is based on Cm#14 and specification 2010. An excel plot is included between h/tw and Vn.