13-Solved problem 4-6-how to find the available flexure strength?

Last Updated on August 11, 2024 by Maged kamel

A Solved Problem 4-6-How to Find The Available Flexure  Strength?

A solved problem 4-6 for lateral-torsional buckling when lb>Lp but<Lr.

From Prof. Alan Williams’s book Structure -Reference manual,  solved problem 4.6 A W16x40 beam of grade 50 steel is laterally braced at 6 ft intervals. It is subjected to a uniform bending moment with the coefficient of moment Cb =1.0.

Determine the beam’s available flexure strength. This graph represents the relation between Lb and the nominal moment Mn; it has three zones based on the value of bracing length Lb and its relation with Lp and Lr.   

Solved problem 4-6, for which the flexure strength is required.

Analysis for the given section by the LRFD design.

The solved problem 4-6 is an analysis problem, the section is given for which, the distance between bracing for a beam is Lb > Lp, but Lb <Lr, for the LRFD design. it will fall in the second zone of inelastic buckling; please refer to the next slide for more details.

Solved problem 4-6, for which the flexure strength is required.

We need to find both bracing lengths lp and Lr for the given W section, which can be obtained from Tables 1-1 and Table 3-2. From Table 1-1, we need the value of ry to estimate the Lp value. For lr we need plenty of data to find lr as we will see next.

Get the maximum un-braced length to let the shape reach its plastic moment strength Lp. The relevant equation for Lp is introduced from Lp=300*ry/sqrt(Fy). We need to get these data from AISC table 1-1. The LP value is 5.55 feet. Our given bracing length is 6 feet, and the condition is that the bracing length is bigger than Lp. Please refer to the slide image for more details.

Estimate the lp value from the formula

We need the following values from the Torsional properties: J, CW, and other properties, tf, Sx, rts, ho, selected from Table 1-1.

The different parameters for estimating Lr

This is the equation for the Lr formula using equation F2-6.

The formula used to estimate the value of Lr.

This is the detailed reference equation number as presented in the AISC code.

The equation of Lr.

This is the detailed estimation of the value of Lr using the equation.Lr=15.9′.

The value of lr after estimation.

This is the value of limiting laterally unbraced length Lr using Table 3-2 for W16x48.

The value of Lr, from table 3-2

For the given Lb check if  Lb>Lp and Lb  <Lr, then the section is not compact, the value of φb*Mn is < φb*(Mpx), but φb*Mn > φb*(Mrx),  where Mpx=Fy*Zx,  while  Mrx= (0.70*Fy*Sx).

Estimate φb*Zx*Fy for Lb and φb*Fy*Sx for  Lr. Estimate the value of φb *BF.

The next picture explains the final φb*Mn= φb (Zx*Fy)—φb *BF*(Lr-Lb).
The available flexure strength is based on the LRFD, φb *Mn=269.50 Ft.kips.  

The value of Mn from BF.

This is the value of φb*Mp and φb*Mr by using Table 3-2.

using table 3-2 to get fatored moments.

I have used an Excel plot to show the relation between Lb and φb*Mn.

Using excel graph to represent lb virsus phi Mn

The analysis for the given section by ASD.

We will use Table 3-2 to get (1/Ωb)*Mp and (1/Ωb)*Mr. We also get Lp and Lr values for W16x40.
  The given bracing length lb of 6 feet is bigger than Lp but smaller than Lr.

The section is not compact, the value of Mn/Ω is < (Mpx)/ Ωb, > (1/Ωb)*(Mrx)
Mpx=Fy*Zx, Mrx= (0.70*Fy*Sx).

The values of Mpx/ Ωb and (1/ Ωb )*Mrx from table 3-2.

Estimate (1/Ωb)*Zx*Fy for Lb and (1/Ωb)* 0.70*Fy*Sx for Lr.   
The final (1/Ωb)*Mn= (1/Ωb) (Zx*Fy)- (1/Ωb) *Bf *(Lr-Lb).
The available flexure strength based on the ASD, (1/Ωb)*Mn=179.00 Ft.kips.

These are the detailed calculations for the ASD moment value using BF, as shown in the next slide image.

This is the case with the ASD design.

I have used an Excel plot to show the relation between Lb and (1/Ωb)*Mn.

Excel graph between Lb and Mn/omega for the ASD design.

Please follow the Lateral Torsional Buckling Limit State for a valuable external source.
This is the solved problem 4-5.
For the next post, A Solved problem 9-7, When Lb>Lr, what is flexure strength?