Category: Compression Members
16-A Solved Problem 5-10-Available Strength for short column.
A Solved Problem 5-10 For The Available Strength Of A Column w16x26 which is a slender column.
15- Solved problem 6-19-4 for local buckling of columns.
A solved problem 6-19-4 for local buckling is From prof. Salmon handbook. The steel section is a Built-up section.
14-Solved problem 6-8 for local buckling of columns.
Solved problem 6-8 For Local Buckling. The column is a rectangle hollow section, determine the axial compressive design strength and factors strength.
13-A Solved problem 5-3 for local buckling of columns.
A Solved problem 5-3 For Local Buckling, it is required to estimate Φc*Pn and Pn/Ωc, with the appropriate AISC equations for a square hollow steel section.
12- Solved problem 5-2 for local buckling of columns.
A Solved problem 5-2 For Local Buckling, for which it is required to estimate the LRFD value Φ* Pn and the ASD allowable strength P/Ωc, for a column.
11- Local Buckling for stiffened and un-stiffened elements.
Local buckling for stiffened and un-stiffened elements. A discussion is made for Limiting Kl/r based on the different Fy values and the coefficients Qa and Qs.