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- List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3.In this post there is a list of Tension Member’s Posts-part 3. The list includes posts from post 10 till post 16.
- List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 2.In this post there is a list of Tension Member’s Posts-part 2, the list starts from post 7 till post 9d. For shear lag factor and several practice problems.
About me

Let me introduce myself. My name is Maged Kamel. I am a civil engineer who graduated from Ain-shams University in 1980.
I have worked in different construction fields in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. My last job was as a technical office manager at the Saudi Bin Laden Group. I have been in Egypt for six years and am a retired civil engineer.
Keep in touch
Please get in touch with me through YouTube or LinkedIn.
Email to: 123@magedkamel.com
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