The content of post 22 for shear.

22S-Step-by-step guide to the solved problem 10-2 for beam.

Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by Maged kamel

A solved problem 10-2 For Beam Adequacy For Shear.

This post has two parts. The first part discusses solved problem 10-2, while the second part discusses the nominal shear for steel beams based on CM#14 and specification 2010.

A solved problem 10-2, check shear adequacy.

This is solved problem 10-2 from Prof. McCormack’s book. There is a beam with a W section of W21x55 and Fy =50k. Check the adequacy of this beam to shear.

First, we will start with the LRFD design and estimate the ultimate load and the Ultimate shear. From the data in the next slide, the ultimate uniform load is 7 kips/Ft, and the ultimate shear value is 70 kips.

A solved problem 10-2 to check adequacy for beam in shear.

Table 1-1 shows all the relevant data for W21x55. A section of W21x55 is drawn, as shown in the small sketch on the left side. We can find the values of d, hw, and tw.

The enclosed web height h, or the distance between flanges less the fillets, equal to d-2*kdes hw equals 18.76” while the web thickness tw=0.375″.

The data for W21x55 from Table 1-1.

The controlling factor for h/tw, as given by the AISC, is given by the equation h/tw=2.24*sqrt(E/Fy). Consider E=29000 ksi and Fy=50 ksi. The value equals 53.90.

The controlling factor h/tw for different grades of steel.

The next slide shows the Nominal shear value for the steel beam. The coefficient of shear is termed Cv in the case of CM#14 and is termed Cv1 in the case of CM#15.

Nominal shear value formula for steel beams.

The ratio of h to tw equals 50.03 and hence less than 53.90.

The next step is to get the nominal shear for the section where Vn=Cv*0.60*Fy*(Aw*d), cv=1, Fy=50.0 ksi, A web=d*tw=20.80*0.375=7.80 inch2โ€”the value of nominal shear Vn=0.60*50*7.80=234.0 kips.

The nominal shear value for the steel beam based on teh estimation.

For the LRFD calculations for section adequacy for shear stress, we have Cv =1, then ฯ†v *Vn=1*234.0 =234.0 kips, while Vul=88.0 kips, the section is safe.

The data for the design strength of shear based on LRFD design.

The next slide includes estimates of the steel beam’s total uniform load and maximum shear value.

The shear value of the beam based on the ASD design.

For the ASD calculations for section adequacy for shear stress, we have ฮฉv =1.5, then (1/ฮฉ)Vn=(1/1.50)234.0 = 156.0kips, while Vt=(210+410)=60.00 kips, then the section is safe.

The factored nominal shear strength.

We will explain the AISC code provision for shear.

AISC specification provision for the design of Members for shear-CM#14.

Chapter G is the designated chapter for the design of members for shear.

Clause G-1 is for the general provisions. Item G2 deals with stiffened and unstiffened steel sections, including W, M, Hp, and S. The other sections not included in G2 are shown in G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, and G8. Please find the data in the next slide image.

Chapter G of Aisc provision design of members for shear.

There is a note for the steel shapes with h/tw that do not meet the specification requirement of h/tw<=2.24*sqrt(Fy), such as W44x230 and W40x149.

General Code provision G1 and G2 for members with stiffened and unstiffened webs.

Cv value determination for shear of steel beams.

How to find cv value for different hh/tw values?

The factor kv is considered equal to 5 for webs without transverse stiffeners.

The values for Kv coefficient.

The value of Kc in the case of stiffened web.

Kc value for the case of stiffened web.

The relation between Vn and h/tw for Fy=36ksi.

The next slide shows the relation between h/tw and the Vn,the nominal shear value; there are four parts: part I is from h/tw value 0 to h/tw equal 2.24*sqrt(E/Fy), this zone has phi for shear phi value equal 1 and lambda-1.50.

Point 1 for the case of Fy=36 ksi is 63.57 and Cv=1, the Vn=1*(d*tw)*(0.60Fy).

The second part is between 2.24*sqrt(E/Fy) and 1.10*sqrt(k*E/Fy) Vn is constant. The third part is between 1.10*sqrt(k*E/Fy) and 1.37*sqrt(Kv/*E/Fy); the cv value is to be estimated, and there is a linear drop in the nominal shear value..

The last part is from 1.37*sqrt(Kv/*E/Fy) to h/tw=200; the CV value is to be estimated, and the nominal shear value has a curved drop.

The relation between h/tw and the nominal shear for the different h/tw values based on Fy=36 ksi.

The relation between Vn and h/tw for Fy=50ksi.

Point 1 for the case of Fy=50 ksi is 53.95 and Cv=1, the Vn=1*(d*tw)*(0.60Fy). Point 2 value equals 59.24. Point 3 value equals 73.77.

The relation between h/tw and the nominal shear for the different h/tw values based on Fy=50 ksi.

The relation between Vn and h/tw for Fy=65ksi.

Point 1 for the case of Fy=65 ksi is 47.30 and Cv=1, the Vn=1*(d*tw)*(0.60Fy). Point 2 value equals 52. Point 3 value equals 64.

The relation between h/tw and the nominal shear for the different h/tw values based on Fy=65 ksi.

This is a useful external resource for Shear Strength Limit State.
This is the next post, the solved problem-10-2, how to use table 32 for shear value?