List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 1.


Last Updated on October 20, 2024 by Maged kamel

List of Tension Member’s Posts-part 1.

The tension Member’s Posts-part 1 list will start from post one till post 1c.

 A step-by-step introduction to Tension members.

This is the first post of the Tension Member’s Posts, which includes the following items; the first item includes: where to use the tension members?

The second item, what is the chapter in the AISC that governs the design of tension members?
The third item is the net area and gross area. The net area is the section area from which the fastener areas are deducted. Fasteners are, for example, bolts or rivets.

Content of post 1.

This is a link for post 1: A step-by-step introduction to Tension members.

I added three more posts, which are posts 1a&1b and 1C.

Post 1A-easy introduction to tension members- Part 2.

Post 1a- Easy introduction to Tension members-part-2. The post discusses Table 2-4  based on  CM#14.

Gross area versus net area.

Post-1b-review of AISC Table 2-5 for plates.

The post-post 1b, includes the differences between construction manual CM#14 and construction manual CM #15 for AISC Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 for plates based on Cm#14.

Table 2-5 for plates based on CM#15.

Practice problem

A review of Table 1-7a for workable gauge lines for angle legs between CM#14 and CM#15 has been added.

Table 1-7A for angles.

Post 1C-Best and Full Illustration of Aisc Table 2-4.

Post 1C includes a discussion about Table 2-4, which are included in the construction manuals CM #14 and 15. Table 2-4 are the tables for Applicable ASTM specifications for various structural shapes, which include all shapes except plates and sheets.

I introduced the conversion factor between Imperial units and Si Units.

I introduced Table A3.1 for listed materials based on the new specification and CM#16.

A solved problem for a W24x192 of A242 based on CM#14 is finding the yield and ultimate stress for the given W section.

This is a link to the list of tension members’ posts in part 2.

An external source for tension members from Prof. T. Bartlett Quimby’s site, which is the Tension Member Overview