How to find the deposit value for uniform series A in terms of F, I, n?

Video for Solved problems, Find Deposit value for U-series.

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Maged kamel

Video for Solved problems, Find Deposit value for uniform series.

Two solved problems, the first example is how to find deposit value A for uniform series in terms of n, I, and F.

Three approaches are used for the first solution, the first approach is to use the cash flow moment. The interest rate is i=7%, the number of deposits is 8 years and the future value is $100,000 at t=8.

Take the pivot point at t=0. Equate the sum of moments for Future value to the sum of moments of the deposits at the point t=0. We can get the value of A to be equal to $9746.78.

The second approach is using the table of interest to get the value of A/F. The third approach is to use the Excel function PMT.

In the second problem, it is required to get an A in terms of n, I, and P. Two Approaches are used. This is part of the video which has a subtitle and closed caption in English.

The complete information about the content of the video can be found via post-13-Solved problems, Deposit value for uniform series.

If you wish to watch the video with timestamps here follow this YouTube.

This is a good link -Engineering Economy. Applying Theory to Practice.

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