list of beam posts part 2a

List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a

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List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a.

1-Introduction to Cb-Bending coefficient part-1 for steel.

This is the first post in the List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a.

This is post number 17 for  Steel Beams  Posts which includes:
 1-How do we estimate the CB-bending coefficient values for different loading types and bracing locations?

 2- How to estimate moment gradient cb for a simply supported beam under a uniform loading?

3-How to estimate the moment gradient factor CB for a fixed ends beam under a uniform loading?

This is a summary of the values of Cb or the bending coefficient for different steel beam loading and different bracing locations.

List of Steel beam posts-part-2a.The value of Cb for Different Beam loadings and bracings conditions.

 This is a snapshot of the equation used to find the Cb value of the gradient coefficient for steel beams based on the factor of 12.50/12.50. After selecting the required bracing locations. For instance, we have a simple beam under a uniform load.

That beam has two bracings at the supports. Divide each strip by Four quarters and evaluate the absolute maximum moment value for an unbraced segment which is M max.

Evaluate the maximum absolute moment value for the first one-fourth of the unbraced segment which is MA.

Find the absolute value of the maximum moment at the center line of the unbraced segment which is MB.

Find the maximum absolute moment value at the midpoint of the unbraced segment which is MB.

Find the maximum absolute moment value at three-quarters of the unbraced segment which is MC. For the numerator multiply Mmax by 12.50.

The factor of 12.50 at the denominator represents the sum of 4.50 Max plus 3Ma plus 4*Mb plus 3Mc.

The final value of Cb can be obtained for the simple beam as shown in the slide image and its value is 12.5/11=1.14.

This is the link to post 17.

2-Cb-The coefficient of bending part 2 for steel beams.

This is Post number 18 of the Steel beams  Posts. This is the second post in the List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a. and includes:
        1- How to estimate the CB- coefficient of bending values for a simply supported beam under two concentrated loads.
        2- Old Equation to Estimate CB, Coefficient Of Bending Value.

Old Equation to Estimate CB, Coefficient Of Bending Value.

This is the link to post number 18.

3- The coefficient of bending part-3 for steel beams.

This is Post number 18a of the Steel beams  Posts. This is the third post in the List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a. and includes:

1 –   What are the cases where the old CB value equals 1?

2-   A Solved problem for old Cb for a continuous beam with given moments.

   3- Table  3-1 for the CB-coefficient of bending values for different loading conditions.

     4-The three conditions for beams: braced steel beam section. Unbraced steel beams and Noncompact or slender steel beam sections 

Table 3-1 for the values of CB for different beam conditions.

This is the link to post number 18a.

4- CB value-bracing at the midpoint of a beam-uniform load.

This is Post number 18b of the Steel beams  Posts. This is the fourth post in the List of Steel Beam posts-part-2a. and includes:

1-Cb value-bracing at the midpoint of a beam-uniform load.

2-Cb value-bracing at the midpoint of a beam-uniform load-simple beam case.

3-What is the maximum value for a moment?

4-Cb value-bracing at the midpoint of a beam-uniform load-fixed end beam case.

This is a link to beam post 18b.

5- CB value bracing at third points of a beam-U load.

This is Post number 18c of the Steel beams  Posts which includes:

     How to find the CB value bracing at the third point of a beam-uniform load-simple beam case?

In this case, we have four braces for the simple beam AB, these braces at A, C, D, and B. The distance AC-CD=DB=L/4.

For the next slide image, the illustration walks you through the details of the estimation of the absolute moment values for unbraced segment AA’ for the simply supported beam under uniform load.

 This is the link to the beam post 18c. 

A very useful external resource is A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Engineering.

The next post will be the list of steel beam posts-part-3.

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